Spring Camping By Yankee Plus Kids Sports Center @ Huizhou Country Garden Forest Lake


在夏日的南方小城,我们穿梭自然与人文主题,用镜头进行了独具创意的表达,夏日探索山野,欢乐运动再适合不过,我们要一起去看春花漫野、层林尽染的绿。还有那清水河里成群的野鸭,想象中的夏日美景在这里都有迹可循,用镜头去留存这份美好记忆吧!In the small southern city of summer, we shuttle between natural and cultural themes, and use the camera to express our unique creativity. Exploring the mountains and fields in summer is perfect for joyful sports. We need to go together to see the spring flowers and green forests. And there are flocks of wild ducks in the Qingshui River, where …