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Spring Camping By Yankee Plus Kids Sports Center @ Huizhou Country Garden Forest Lake

April 29, 2023 @ 8:00 am May 1, 2023 @ 2:00 pm


在夏日的南方小城,我们穿梭自然与人文主题,用镜头进行了独具创意的表达,夏日探索山野,欢乐运动再适合不过,我们要一起去看春花漫野、层林尽染的绿。还有那清水河里成群的野鸭,想象中的夏日美景在这里都有迹可循,用镜头去留存这份美好记忆吧!In the small southern city of summer, we shuttle between natural and cultural themes, and use the camera to express our unique creativity. Exploring the mountains and fields in summer is perfect for joyful sports. We need to go together to see the spring flowers and green forests. And there are flocks of wild ducks in the Qingshui River, where the imagined summer scenery can be traced. Use the camera to preserve this beautiful memory!ImageImage



DIEGO, the product publicity director of the EXPO project, once served as the creative director of the BBC. He combined his years of experience and brand building skills with a group of practitioners to create an exclusive video shooting course that conforms to the children’s mental development, so that children can comprehensively show themselves from the underlying logic, language ability, performance ability, shooting skills and other aspects, so as to achieve the comprehensive construction of the knowledge system, improve self-confidence and establish personal brand from an early age;Image




同时专业的外籍教师团队,配备全程的中英双语助教,让孩子快速适应语言环境的同时,将书本的英语脱口而出!The EXPO project has children from various countries around the world in Shenzhen, each with their own mother tongue and culture. However, in order to share the same dream, we use the camera to explore their lives and discover their brilliance together! Here, you can save the hassle of traveling abroad, reduce the worry of time difference, and experience the exotic culture and pure English environment at your doorstep;At the same time, a professional team of foreign teachers is equipped with a full range of bilingual teaching assistants in Chinese and English, allowing children to quickly adapt to the language environment while blurting out English from books!




EXPO的每一场活动都需要让孩子从头脑风暴风暴开始,进入脚本的攥写、目标的分解,角色的分配以及项目的统筹的各个环节,在这期间,孩子们有辩论、有表演、有付出、有结果、有快乐、有心酸、有成功、有失败,每一次都在真实的模拟成人世界的“项目汇报”。这是他们真是要面对的未来,早早掌握技巧才才不会在未来多任务工作中迷失自我!The advanced PBL project management teaching method immerses children in an atmosphere of team awareness and leadership building.Every EXPO activity requires children to start with a brainstorming session, including script writing, goal decomposition, role allocation, and project coordination. During this period, children have debates, performances, contributions, results, happiness, sadness, success, and failure, and each time they are presented in a real “project report” that simulates the adult world. This is the future they really need to face. Mastering skills early will prevent them from losing themselves in future multitasking work!ImageImageImage



EXPO联合深圳旅行社巨头,共同开发100营计划,甄选大湾区以及全国优质营地资源,让孩子在舒适的环境中,优质的游学路线里探寻世界,发现自我;EXPO collaborates with Shenzhen travel agency giants to jointly develop a 100 camp plan, selecting high-quality campsite resources in the Greater Bay Area and across the country, allowing children to explore the world and discover themselves in a comfortable environment and high-quality study tours;ImageImageImage



YANKEEPLUS EXPO拥有多元资深的精英导师,用智慧带领,为你送达纯粹完整的运动学习体系,让健康蓬勃延展到你内在外在的生活点滴。我们将服务师生比做到1;5,确保每名孩子在营地吃的舒心,睡得安心,玩的开心!
YANKEEPLUS EXPO has diverse and experienced elite mentors, guided by wisdom, to deliver a pure and complete camp system for you, allowing health to flourish and extend to your inner and outer life. We will provide a teacher to student ratio of 1:5 to ensure that every child eats comfortably, sleeps peacefully, and has fun at the campsite!ImageImagebr-lazy"br-lazy"br-lazy"




没有什么比安全和健康更重要,这是EXPO成立所秉承的首要态度。精致舒适的教学环境,健全的教学设备,科学健康饮食。让每一名学员安心且有保障地开展营地活动,保证学生沉浸式学习的各项需求。Nothing is more important than safety and health, which is the primary attitude upheld by the establishment of EXPO. Exquisite and comfortable teaching environment, sound teaching equipment, and scientific and healthy diet. Enable every student to carry out camp activities with peace of mind and security, ensuring the various needs of students’ immersive learning.ImageImageImageImageImage

在真实的场景体验过程中,通过PBL项目式学习将独立思考、情绪管理、知识运用等知识技巧以孩子容易掌握的形式呈现,鼓励孩子在尝试中总结出可迁移的方法。主题式授课,把理论融入实践中,把游学的过程变得简单:In the process of experiencing real-life scenarios, PBL project-based learning presents knowledge and skills such as independent thinking, emotional management, and knowledge application in a form that is easy for children to master, encouraging them to summarize transferable methods through experimentation. Theme based teaching, integrating theory into practice, and simplifying the process of studying abroad:

  多元素的户外拍摄,培养孩子观察力和审美力;  Multi element outdoor photography, cultivating children’s observation and aesthetic abilities, and possessing the potential for talent;
在玩中学,激发孩子学习、运动及探索的兴趣和专注力;By learning through play, stimulate children’s interest and focus in learning, sports, and exploration
面对面点评,让孩子收获成就感和自信心;Face to face feedback allows children to gain a sense of achievement and confidence;
Featuring high-end campsites, while filming, you can fully explore the beauty of nature and enjoy outdoor fun;

整整3天时间,丰富的理论实践,让输入到输出变得更加自如。For a full 3 days, rich theoretical practice has made input and output more flexible.



扎筏泅渡 Crossing the River on a Bamboo Raft



Experience collective construction projects and form a sense of collective collaboration and competition.

Use the bamboo, hemp rope and foam buoy provided to make a strong bamboo raft that can carry people across the river and successfully drive to the end.Image

野外生存技巧 Wildlife Skills


Learn survival techniques in the wilderness, learn to use compasses, sundials, first aid, and rescue methods, and experience the most direct survival in the wilderness.Image

综合格斗术学习  Comprehensive Fighting Skills Learning


Enable comprehensive combat education to motivate and accompany children’s growth, help children become self-sufficient, establish personality, establish correct values, and enhance self-confidence.Image

14KM定向越野  14KM directional off-road


A compass, a map, a completely unfamiliar environment. They integrate various learned skills with physical exercise. Calibrate the map, compare with the local area, choose a reasonable route, and hone your skills through repeated punctuation and positioning.ImageImageImage


1艺术与创造—微电影、戏剧美学Art and Creation – Microfilm, Drama Aesthetics
2户外高空运动—丛林飞跃、技巧挑战Outdoor high-altitude sports – jungle jumps, skill challenges
3户外水上运动—水中竞技、新潮浆板Outdoor water sports – water sports, trendy paddle boarding
4户外陆地运动—户外徒步、星空露营Outdoor Land Sports – Outdoor Hiking, Starry Camping
5自然与生存—森林夜观、暗访精灵Nature and Survival – Forest Night View, Secret Visit to Elves
6科技与国防—玩转科学火箭Technology and National Defense – Playing with Scientific Experiments

DAY 1 (4.29)



Gathering&Arriving at Camp



Entry arrangements



Ice breaking



Introduction to Video Techniques



Video team formation



Wildlife survival experience



Comprehensive fighting experience



Crossing the River on a Bamboo Raft



Map learning

DAY 2 (4.30)




14KM directional off-road

Ambush – Set up tents – Set up bamboo rafts – Cross obstacles



Manuscript writing



Sound recording



Cloud scissors



Bonfire Party

DAY 3 (5.1)



speech contest



Video evaluation



Camping CeremonyImage

YANKEEPLUS EXPO致力于为6-18岁儿童及青少年打造以视频演绎为输出媒介的主题探索类活动策划品牌,以“让每一个孩子能够用自己的视角展现出与众不同的自己”为服务宗旨,通过传授符合时代、心智发展的演绎逻辑及视角,让每一个孩子都可以在流媒体时代,了解媒体的意义,从小拥有个人品牌的概念,增加表达力与沟通力的同时,展现独一无二的自己!

YANKEEPLUS历时5年深耕儿童及青少年教育,从孩子的角度出发,研发更符合孩子们兴趣爱好的各类活动,将每一场活动赋予“活学活用”的教育意义,让孩子们做到真正的寓教于乐,更早的理解生活的本质。团队拥有多年儿童教育专家及品牌运营专家,让孩子们更好的发现自己的特点,并据此发光发热。我们注重活动的细节和质量,严格把控活动每一个环节,以确保言传身教贯穿在每一个活动细节。我们的使命是:以豆蔻视界,协助亿万家庭拥有平凡中的闪耀。YANKEEPLUS EXPO is committed to creating a theme exploration activity planning brand for children and adolescents aged 6-18, using video interpretation as the output medium. With the service purpose of “enabling every child to showcase their unique self from their own perspective”, we teach deductive logic and perspectives that are in line with the times and mental development, allowing every child to understand the significance of media in the streaming media era, and have the concept of personal brand from a young age, Increase expression and communication skills while showcasing your unique self!YANKEEPLUS has been deeply involved in children’s and adolescent education for 5 years. From the perspective of children, we have developed various activities that are more in line with their interests and hobbies. Each activity has been endowed with educational significance of “active learning and active use”, allowing children to truly engage in education and entertainment, and to understand the essence of life earlier. The team has many years of expertise in children’s education and brand operation, allowing children to better discover their own characteristics and shine accordingly. We pay attention to the details and quality of the event, strictly controlling every link of the event to ensure that words and deeds are integrated into every detail of the event. Our mission is to assist billions of families with the brilliance of ordinary life through EXPO.ImageImageImageImage



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