WELCOME BACK PUBCRAWL 9/23 @ Lazy Laowai – Nanshan


Additional Info Dress Code: Whether you go the student or teacher route, we encourage you to keep with the theme and dress as you would during a school day. Could be local style, international, cartoon based… it’s up to you so be creative! 着装要求:无论你是走学生风还是老师的路线,我们都提倡大家贴近主题,像上学时一样穿着。可以是本地风格,国际风格,卡通风格…穿出怀旧穿出新意都可以! Date – September 23rd 日期–9月23日 Time – 7:30PM – Late 时间–19:30–深夜 Starting Location: Lazy Laowai  起始地点:Lazylaowai LAZYLAOWAI For tickets …