Touch Designer introductory meeting (Touch Designer特效入门会) @ Wanke Yuncheng design community-Zone C – Nanshan

Wanke Yuncheng design community-Zone C Dashi 2nd Road, NanShan district, Shenzhen

Touch Designer introductory meeting(Touch Designer特效入门会) Touch Designer, a hot topic in the visual arts field About this Event 剑山是我们社区一些成员的好朋友,在互动艺术领域操盘过很多项目。在今年的大湾区Maker Faire上相遇时,他正在分享视觉艺术领域大热的Touch Designer的作品。这个月我们邀请到他来给我们做一次分享,让大家能够快速跟上这个在全球快速崛起的视觉艺术的社群。 Jianshan is a good friend of some members of our community and has run many projects in the field of interactive art. When we met at this year's 2023 Maker Faire in Greater Bay Area, he was sharing the ...

Abi DAO: Skills Exchange of AIGC toolkits (AIGC工具奇技淫巧交流会)@ Wanke Yuncheng design community-Zone C

Wanke Yuncheng design community-Zone C Dashi 2nd Road, NanShan district, Shenzhen

AIGC is becoming more and more popular, and many friends have frequently used AIGC tools in their practical work. Let's have a party and exchange their experiences. At the same time, celebrate the re-launch of AbiDAO contract on the main chain of public chain, and guide friends in actual operation on the spot. AIGC大热,有不少朋友已经在实际工作中频繁使用AIGC工具,让我们来一场聚会,交流大家的使用心得。 同时庆祝AbiDAO合约重新上线公链主链,现场指导朋友们实际的操作。