Cool Britannia: Immerse in British Culture at British Day 2024

Qianhai Kerry Center Central Lawn, Qianhai Kerry Centre, Qianhai Da Dao, Qianhai, Shenzhen

The spirit of 'Cool Britannia' is returning with British Day 2024! This phrase embodies the prime of British culture in the 90s and conveys a contemporary celebration of all that's good about Britain. In an ode to this era, we're thrilled to announce the comeback of 40+ engaging booths and a plethora of new, interactive games. Our venue will transform ...

¥20 – ¥35

Britcham Pub Quiz in Shenzhen Celebrating the Chinese New Year!

The Happy Monk Uniway L2-010, Uniway Qianhai, No.5059 Tinghai Avenue, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China

The British Chamber's Pub Quiz is a cannot-miss opportunity for all in GBA to come together and have fun! Don't miss the opportunity. We only accept teams of 1-6; please note that teams with over 6participants will lose 5 points from their total score! RMB 150 /person Includes one welcome drink and a main set meal of your choice! Happy ...
