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Life on Mars 5th Year Anniversary – Nanshan

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September 30, 2022 @ 9:00 pm October 1, 2022 @ 9:00 pm

你看得没错!尽管感觉不太像(尤其对我们自己来说),但却是真的,Life on Mars已经开店5年了! 那你知道这意味着…


You read that right! Even though it doesn’t feel like it (especially to us) it is true, Life on Mars has actually been open for 5 years! And you know what that means…


我们见证了深圳的许多变化。 当初我们开店的时候,深圳没有很多专注做鸡尾酒的酒吧,更多的是一些以威士忌为主,顺带做经典鸡尾酒的酒吧。后来,深圳的鸡尾酒市场发生了非常大的变化,而我们非常自豪地能成为众多推动变化的其中一员,我们也对创立的Life on Mars和它的独特氛围感到非常骄傲,我们在这里结识了非常多很棒的顾客,很多也成为了我们的常客,成为了朋友,我们主持了非常多的活动,邀请了非常多优秀的调酒师到店客座,斩获了一些荣誉,我们付出的努力是被认同的!

In our time we have seen a lot of changes in Shenzhen. When we opened there wasn’t many true cocktail bars around, it was mostly whisky bars that did some basic classics and that’s it. Since then Shenzhen’s cocktail scene has definitely changed for the better and we are proud to be a part of that, and we are especially proud of the bar and atmosphere that we have created that has let us meet so many great customers who have become new friends and regulars, hosted so many events and bartenders and won different awards for our effort!Image

为了庆祝5周年这个里程碑,我们将会举行为期两天的活动,邀请了两名非常优秀的调酒师来到Life on Mars给大家献上他们独特的鸡尾酒,所以这周五和周六来跟我们一起庆祝吧!我们非常想要见到你!

To celebrate such a momentous milestone of a birthday we are going to host a two day long party with two fantastic bartenders to treat you to their drinks and unique styles each night, so join us this Friday or Saturday (or preferably both!) to celebrate with us, we’d love to see you!


Best of British with Mark Lloyd

Mark Lloyd的英国之最Image

你们当中的许多人大概知道Mark Lloyd, 他之前已经来过店里几次客座调酒,是我们非常好的好朋友!如果不是在Life on Mars喝过他的客座特调,那一定是去过他在上海的酒吧而知道他,他的J.Boroski是上海最受欢迎的鸡尾酒吧之一。Mark是我们认识的朋友当中最友好最愿意助人为乐的人之一,他也是一个鬼才型的调酒师,原因之一可能是因为他本人是一个拿证的工业化学师。他此次的客座调酒主题是“英国之最”,由于Mark和Ross都来自英国,所以这个主题下的鸡尾酒,都使用了与英国相关的原材料,当晚你可能会体验到:




Many of you will know Mark Lloyd, if not for the fact he’s visited us a few times now due to being one of our BEST FRIENDS, it might be because you’ve visited his fantastic bar, one of the busiest cocktail bars in Shanghai, J.Boroski. Mark’s one of the nicest and most helpful people we know and he’s a bit of a mad genius bartender due to the fact he’s a licensed industrial chemist. The theme for his shift is “Best of British” seem as both he and Ross are from there, so expect drinks with British themed ingredients, some of which you may never have expected to see inside a cocktail as well as top class banter and a luxurious beard you could hide a badger in.Image


Mark will be on the bar from 9pm till 1am, take a look at his menu below:Image


Metal Night with Nana


店庆的第二晚,我们非常兴奋地终于请到Nana到店里客调,Nana是我们一直尝试了很久想要邀请到店里客席的调酒师!Nana是哈瓦那俱乐部的品牌大使(Nana-BA还是哈瓦那BA-NANA???),但重点是,她跟the laoban一样,是一名重度金属乐爱好者!她以前在Inferno酒吧工作的时候,常常招待去上海的金属乐队!她的客座调酒的当晚,播放的音乐将会由她来掌控,所以可以期待一下周六晚,Life on Mars变成重型音乐的现场!

On the second night we are very excited to finally be able to bring down Nana, someone who we have been trying to get down for a looooong time! Nana is the Brand Ambassador for Havana Club (Which makes her Nana the BA, or the Havana BA-Nana, which we love) but more specifically, she is a giant metal music lover just like the Laoban! She actually used to help host metal bands when they visited Shanghai at her old workplace Inferno bar! For her shift she’s hosting a playlist take over, so expect things to get heavy at Life on Mars for Saturday night!


Alongside the cool as fuck music she will be shaking and stirring up some of her finest cocktails featuring the Cuban rum that she loves, her style is strong and loud flavours, just like her music, so expect good stuff!


Nana will be on the bar from 9pm till 1am, take a look at her menu below:Image


Best of British with Mark Lloyd

Mark Lloyd的英国之最

30th Sept. – Friday

9月30日 – 星期五

9:00pm – 1:00am


Metal Night With Nana


1st Oct. – Saturday

10月1日 – 星期六

9:00pm – 1:00am


Shop No.129 Sea Taste (Haiyun) Garden, No.1088 Wanghai Rd. Nanshan Shenzhen



Life on Mars Cocktail Bar




Cocktail Oddity



Shop No.129 Sea Taste (Haiyun) Garden, No.1088 Wanghai Rd. Nanshan

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